Sporadic, But Never Quit


USGKZ Interview Chapter.8 Daily activities



▶ Generally, your live performances are on weekends, right?


USGKZ: Yes, that's right. However, with SK8NIKS or USGKZ&The equipments, if it's in Osaka or Kyoto, we might do shows on weekdays too.


▶ Are all the SK8NIKS members from Osaka?




▶ How often do SK8NIKS practice and perform?


USGKZ: We do live show about twice a month. As for practice, we do it every week. We had a practice session yesterday too.


▶ Has it been this way for over 20 years?


USGKZ: Yes, if schedules allow, we practice every week. There were times, especially when there were no live shows scheduled for a month, that we took breaks. But whenever we have live shows, we practice every week.


▶ Does LARGE400 practice on the day of the live show?


USGKZ: LARGE400 only practices during live shows, that's why we can't create new songs.


▶ How about IdolPunch?


USGKZ: IdolPunch is a long-distance band, so practicing all the time is difficult.


▶ Do you practice at home for USGKZ&The equipments?


USGKZ: No, I practice in the studio. Since I'm doing drums, guitar, and bass all by myself, it's like a one-man street performance, so I need a lot of practice. I aim to go to the studio at least once a week, and before a live show, I go almost every day.


▶ How long do you practice in one session?


USGKZ: About two hours.


▶ I remember you had multiple bands performing on the same day for Uchi's event in mid-September.


USGKZ: Yeah, that's right. I played with LARGE400 around 7 PM, IdolPunch around midnight, and USGKZ&The equipments around 4 AM.


▶ What did you do between 7 PM and 12 AM?


USGKZ: I was drinking (laughs). After IdolPunch's live show, I thought I'd take a nap, but I ended up drinking all the way through. So, the USGKZ&The equipments performance that day was a mess (laughs).


▶ Do you have different roles in each band? Who does the composition?


USGKZ: Well, in the past, I did a lot of the composition.


▶ In my impression, SK8NIKS has a club-like atmosphere, where everyone gets along well and creates songs together in a studio.


USGKZ: The basic foundation usually comes from me, but I do think there's a club(部活)-like atmosphere, more like a group(サークル), rather than a club. I've never been part of a group though (laughs). Hissan, the vocalist, also writes songs, and sometimes James does as well.


▶ When you say "basic foundation," do you mean you come up with the melody on the guitar?


USGKZ: Yes, that's right. But whether it's LARGE400 or SK8NIKS, sometimes I do things differently. I would record drums by myself in the studio, add guitar and bass at home, and create a rough version of the song. Although I haven't been doing that as much recently.


▶ Does LARGE400 have more songs composed by you?


USGKZ: I think it's around 50-60%. I bring the initial idea, and we refine it together based on everyone's input.


▶ When you decide to compose a song, how do you approach it?


USGKZ: With SK8NIKS, it's relatively straightforward because we're like, "We're doing hardcore or punk!" With LARGE400, it's more about expressing my individual sounds.


▶ Do you compose with a specific purpose for USGKZ&The equipments?


USGKZ: Yes, I get into the studio and just go for it.


▶ So, it's not a process of composing at home and then practicing in the studio?


USGKZ: Right, I try composing at home, but it doesn't work out in the studio. So, in the end, I find it better to work in the studio.


▶ While using your hands and feet.


USGKZ: Exactly. I come up with ideas at home, but there are many things I can't do in the studio by playing foot drums and guitar. I do try to practice to make it possible though.


▶ I notice that in USGKZ&The equipments' music, you can hear not only the drums and guitar but also the bass.


USGKZ: For that, I connect three amps to the guitar and run one amp as a guitar amp, and another amp plays a lower version of the guitar sound through an octave effect, acting as a bass amp. The third amp produces only the sound of the fuzz. So, I try to avoid sounding like just one guitar.


▶ Have you performed live abroad?


USGKZ: No, I haven't.


▶ You'd like to, though, right? (From the song "行ってみたいな924")


USGKZ: That's one of my goals – performing live abroad.


▶ Given your background, it wouldn't be surprising if you were invited.


USGKZ: There was a time when Malaysia was inviting many Japanese hardcore bands, and SK8NIKS received an offer to perform there. However, due to members' work commitments, we couldn't make it.


▶ Do you have a favorite live venue?


USGKZ: Definitely Namba BEARS(難波ベアーズ), Live Bar FANDANGO (十三ファンダンゴ), and MUSIC BAR HOKAGE(火影). We perform at these three venues quite often. But there are unique features to each live house, and it's enjoyable to play at various places.


▶ Speaking of which, I heard that FANDANGO is going to relocate.


USGKZ: Yeah, the current FANDANGO will close in July next year (2019), and I wonder what will happen next.


▶ The place in Jusō was great.


USGKZ: Yes, yes, the location in Jusō was great. I hope they manage to stay in Jusō, but I have no idea where they'll relocate. The name "Jusō FANDANGO" is a package deal, so if they were called something like "Honmachi FANDANGO," I'd be like, "Huh?" (laughs) Well, it's the same with BEARS too, like Namba BEARS. The location and the name are a package deal. Like Nishi-Ogikubo Watts or Yokosuka Pumpkin (横須賀カボチャ屋).


▶ I saw on Twitter that you were playing the guitar in the "Adult Picture Book" series. What is this about?


USGKZ: Oh, this one. So, there's a local TV show in Kansai called "Nishikawa Norio's Norinori Heaven." I did this when I was around 23 years old. In the show, there was a segment where comedians and adult industry workers played a game similar to "strip rock-paper-scissors"(野球拳), and I had to play the melody of the strip rock-paper-scissors theme on the guitar.


▶ (laughs) How did you end up with that role?


USGKZ: Well, a friend of mine had a friend who was a director at Sun Television, and they were looking for someone who could play the melody of the strip rock-paper-scissors theme on the guitar. He asked, "How about you? Can you do it?" So, I said, "Sure, that sounds hilarious, I'll do it."


▶ How long did this go on for?


USGKZ: About four months, I think. We only did three actual shoots. Each shoot covered about a month's worth of content. The pay was 11,111 yen, but 1,111 yen was deducted for taxes, so I received 10,000 yen. It was funny how the entertainment industry sometimes pays out amounts like 11,111 yen in the salary.


▶ Did you get to meet Norio Nishikawa?


USGKZ: No, Norio Nishikawa wasn't there. It was Hebī Ichigo and Tokutomi Tokonami, comedians from Yoshimoto Natural Ingredients(吉本天然素材). It's interesting how TV works – people who don't know me at all would mention seeing me on TV, and even at school reunions, people would say things like, "I remember you being on TV."