Sporadic, But Never Quit


USGKZ Interview Outro


▶ Do you ever talk to your parents about music?


USGKZ: Yeah, sometimes.


▶ Have you ever given them your music recordings?


USGKZ: Hmm, not really. But I have invited them to my live performances. It's kind of like a part of my filial duty, I guess. When I was visiting my hometown, my mom said, "I've never seen Kozo(USGKZ) perform live, so I can't die until I see it" (laughs). When I heard those words, I thought, "I have to do this for my parents," and about 5-6 years ago, as part of being a good son, I organized a short tour with LARGE400 and SK8NIKS in Onomichi and Okayama. I invited my mom to one of the shows.


▶ How about your dad?


USGKZ: He said, "I’m fine if you're making noise" (laughs). So, my older brother, sister-in-law, and my mom came. At the time, I was barely playing the drums for SK8NIKS. They said the drums were just okay, but the guitar was good (laughs). I was like, "Man, I want to quit the drums," and my mom understood that pretty well. She used to be an art teacher, so she understands artistic things.


▶ You have multiple social media accounts. Do your older brother and mom know about them?


USGKZ: I've decided not to think too much about that.


▶ They might be watching?


USGKZ: They probably are (laughs). On that topic, my mom once said, "That's Kozo's world, so I don't watch it." As for my dad, who knows? He can use a computer (laughs).


▶ Thank you so much for your time today. Lastly, could you please say a few words to all the USGKZ enthusiasts around the world?


USGKZ: Thank you too! Be gentle, sharp, make people laugh and cry, be grand yet silly. I might not understand the exact meaning, but I know it's cool. I'll keep living so that I can play that kind of music!