Sporadic, But Never Quit


USGKZ Interview Outro

▶ Do you ever talk to your parents about music?

USGKZ Interview Chapter9. Future Plans

His incredible works ▶ What are your upcoming plans and the style you aim for in the future?

USGKZ Interview Chapter.8 Daily activities

LARGE400 ▶ Generally, your live performances are on weekends, right?

USGKZ Interview Chapter7. USGKZ&The equipments

▶ USGKZ&The equipments started in 2016. I heard that it began when LARGE400 couldn't make it to Less Than TV's Fucker album release, and you ended up doing a solo performance.

USGKZ Interview Chapter6. Fading into the IdolPunch

Took by Kaoru Murai who is a super hardcore photographer ▶ SK8NIKS and LARGE400 have been consistently active, with their frequency of activities aside, but in my mind, IdolPunch feels like you joined them at some point without me realizin…

USGKZ Interview Chapter5. Join the SK8NIKS

▶ Did SK8NIKS also form during your time at the music school?

USGKZ Interview Chapter4. Formation of the LARGE400

▶ Nowadays, the members of LARGE400 are scattered all over the place. Did you originally meet Uchi, the vocalist, in Osaka?

USGKZ Interview Chapter3. Osaka era

USGKZ: After graduating from high school, I came to Osaka to attend a music school, and while I was still in Onomichi Specter, I formed a band during my first year at the music school.

USGKZ Interview Chapter2. Starting with his first band in Onomichi

▶ You started playing the guitar in your first year of junior high, how did you form your first band?

USGKZ Interview Chapter1. INTRO (The Night Before Band Activities)

Landscape of Onomichi city ▶ I've been a fan of your band sound for a long time, and my first question is about the fundamental origins of it. I saw online and in magazines that you're from Onomichi City in Hiroshima Prefecture, and that y…

USGKZ Interview 00

This is a personal interview with Kozo Uesugi(hereinafter called USGKZ), who has been active in the Japanese hardcore punk scene for a long time, including LARGE400. (All time my best band!)

USGKZ インタビュー09(完)


USGKZ  インタビュー08


USGKZ  インタビュー07

USGKZ&The equipments始動編

USGKZ インタビュー06


USGKZ インタビュー05


USGKZ インタビュー04


USGKZ インタビュー03

大阪編 Floppy ass ~ 長谷川マッチョ

USGKZ インタビュー02

尾道編 初バンドのスタート(The CLS~Hip Hole~尾道スペクター)

USGKZ インタビュー01

INTRO(バンド活動前夜) LARGE400をはじめ、長く日本のハードコアパンクシーンで活躍する、上杉耕造さんのパーソナルインタビューです。一筋縄ではいかない、でも耳触りの良い爆裂サウンドの源とは?

USGKZ インタビュー00

2018年10月6日に実施した第1号の上杉耕造さんのインタビューを章ごとにあげていきます。 目次は次の通りです。 リンク張れるのかよくわからないので、後で修正するかもしれません。